Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Justifed" recap: Not without my baby!

Of the three episodes I've seen in advance, this week's "The Life Inside," might have been my least favorite, which is why this post is so late (and will be so short). Still, I did enjoy it, and will offer a few bullet point observations after the jump.

* Nice to see that, for the second episode in a row, the show has remembered that Raylan isn't the only deputy marshal in his office. Last week, we saw him on an assignment with Rachel. This week he's with Tim. He probably should have gone with Rachel, as a woman might have seen through the pregnant con's ruse (though Raylan, to his credit, seems just on the verge of figuring things out before the ambush). Still, Tim does save the day with his sniper skills. So, please "Justified" -- don't disappear him after episode five or whatever.
* A decent standalone story here about the pregnant escapee who is nearly executed by men working for her baby daddy (who turns out to be a married prison employee). But not on the level of season one's Alan Ruck episode or the story about the Hitler paintings.
* On the upside, we got a bit more of Margo Martindale's Mags. Man, am I worried for poor Loretta. I'm not sure a life fending for herself on the street would be less frightening than living with a woman who makes the phrase "I'm looking forward to our time together" sound like a veiled threat.
* This week also brought Raymond J. Barry's first appearance this season. Arlo, as it turns out, is on house arrest and being forced to live outside by Raylan's aunt, who is none too pleased that he tried to kill her nephew. Still, she doesn't quite get that Arlo is under HOUSE ARREST and forcing him outside sets off his monitor. This sequence was a little too wacky for me, especially given the serious crap that went down between Raylan and Arlo last season. However, I won't say no to any Arlo appearance. The simmering anti-chemistry between Barry and Timothy Olyphant is always enjoyable.
* I, like Raylan, don't really buy Boyd's "transformation." But I also wonder if Raylan's mistrust isn't a self-fulfilling prophecy.
* Though I was mixed on the episode, I did like the pillow talk between Winona and Raylan, during which she finally learns why her husband might have wanted to keep his work life to himself. The look on Natalie Zea's face after Raylan finally answers the inquiry about who was talking to outside their door is also quite priceless.

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